संस्थाका जेष्ठ नागरिक सदस्यहका लागि आयोजित जेष्ठ नागरिक भ्रमण कार्यक्रम

मित्र सहकारी संस्थाहरुले गरेको असल अभ्यासहरुको अध्ययन तथा अवलोकनका लागि आयोजित सहकारी अध्ययन भ्रमण कार्यक्रमका सहभागीहरु

नेफ्स्कूनकाे २८औं साधारण सभामा एक्सेस ब्राण्ड हस्तान्तरण गर्नु हुदै माननीय भूमी व्यवस्था तथा सहकारी मन्त्री

नेपाल काेरिका मैत्री नगरपालिका अस्पताललाई पेसेन्ट माेनिटर सहयाेग प्रदान



Welcome to the website of UPAKAR SAVINGS AND CREDIT COOPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. (UPAKAR SACCOS), Madhyapur Thimi-7, Bhaktpaur. This website is launched to inform about cooperative to the members as well as the community. We hope that this website will be useful to our members and the community and seek the creative feedback.


Upakar Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd. was established by 26 local youth. Today, the organization has succeeded to establish its own unique identity in the cooperative movement as a result of immense affection, trust, intimacy and contribution of the members towards the organization. In the meantime, the organization has been able to receive various honors and awards as well as international brands which would not have been possible without the continued support and cooperation of the members. In keeping with the affection and trust shown by the members, the management of the organization will give special attention to the priority of the member satisfaction and quality services as an attempt to make the organization the first choice of the community. For this, modern technologies will be utilized, while constructive advice, suggestions and guidance are expected from the members and well wishers. All employees of the organization express their commitment to provide easy, accessible and quality services with special focus on the satisfaction of the members.

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Modern co-operative is recognized for the economic, social, and cultural growth and progress of those people in our society, who are still under the line of poverty. It has been proved through different reasons that the cooperative is the only way to change the economic standard of living of our society. Considering this fact, the interim constitution of Nepal has also accepted the three pillared economic policy along with the cooperative. Therefore, community and member based cooperatives have the leading role in today’s changing circumstances.

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